Friday, February 21, 2014

A New Challenge.

I'm excited to announce a new project. I will be compiling cheap meals that are all or in part organic, non-GMO, locally grown, and/or grass-fed. I've been inspired to keep our tummies full with nutritious food that are based on ethically sourced animals that are treated well and live a full life. Thankfully I have found a great Farmer's Market that supplies beef, chickens, eggs (although some are far too expensive), pork, lamb and vegetables; and doing this on a budget!

My son has special alleriges so we already purchase some things that are non-negotiable in terms of cost - he drinks Almond Milk + by So Delicious. It has replaced the whole organic milk he was previously drinking with almost the same amount of protein per cup.  He can tolerate chicken in small amounts - I know a chicken allergy seems strange but it was confirmed by our lab results, which I was certain they were making up until I read it myself. Go figure.

He has an allergy to milk (not to be confused with a lactose allergy, they are two different things), wheat, and most importantly egg whites.  I often eat eggs for breakfast and wash my hands a thousand times while doing it, after doing it and before I touch him. I'm just paranoid like that.

Since we put ourselves on basically a no-spending budget while the house is completing I've been inspired to keep this budget if not LOWER it from $100.00 a week. This does not include toiletries, cleaning products or bath products which I have established a $30.00 budget for, as needed, or for the boy's special milk which I order from Amazon or another online source for $65.00 every two weeks or so. It just depends on his frequency of drinking and we also supplement that with regular Silk Almond Milk, which does not contain carrageenan.

I've also been inspired by a friend who is on a very tight budget who is trying to change her eating habits.  I know it's going to take some hard work but as the CPO (Chief Purchasing Officer) of my family I believe it's my responsibility to spend the money my husband brings home, our money, well.  (We have pretty traditional roles but that's how we LIKE it, and yes I have my own degree and I am a licensed Aesthetician. I enjoy my role as a stay-at-home mother and housewife extremely.)

I came across a blog that was extra encouraging, Cutting Back Kitchen who has a $40.00 a week budget for her and her husband. I imagine this will slightly increase if she has children but I believe that $80.00 to $100.00 a week for us is a good beginning.  We also have to purchase diapers and that of course, can get expensive so that is something we tend to buy in bulk via Amazon for about $45.00 unless I find some coupons and there is a sale at a drugstore.

So here's to the challenge!

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